The vision of Refuge Church is to be a refuge to a hurting world by connecting people to the power and presence of Jesus Christ.

Filled with compassion and offering hope to the poor, oppressed, and forgotten, Refuge Church is a refuge for a hurting world. As such, we have adopted the Refuge Cares Culture to serve as the environment for carrying out the vision of Refuge Church.

Refuge Church's Statement of Faith consists of eleven parts; Holy Bible, God, The Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, The Christian Life, the Church, Baptism, Communion and Marriage. Each are individual parts of a whole creating the foundation of beliefs for Refuge Church.

Jason Parks is known for his visionary leadership and his anything is possible attitude. With 20 years experience in corporate communications, professional development and global ministry, Jason is a sought after motivational speaker, Bible teacher, and professional trainer. He’s spoken to over 2100 audiences, from professional development workshops to public diplomacy with world leaders, and frequently speaks on leadership, effective communication, conflict resolution and mental health topics.
Jason is the Senior Pastor & CEO of Refuge Church, a multisite church serving the Tennessee Valley and Managing Partner of The Parks Group LLC, a corporate consulting and professional development firm. He is a subject matter expert in leadership at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and has earned the designation Certified Maxwell Leadership Speaker, Coach & Consultant.
Jason’s heart is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world. He’s traveled extensively ministering hope across the US, Central America, and the Middle East. He’s preached to millions of people on television and online in 182 countries through ministry on King TV, World Trumpet TV, Precious TV and He is a member of the Global Evangelist Alliance.
Jason loves serving his community. He has spearheaded efforts to fight food insecurity in North Alabama by providing over 1,000,000 pounds of free groceries to those in need. Jason led the creation of Rooms of Refuge which provides dream bedroom makeovers to children and teens facing life-threatening illnesses.

He also partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation to bring Night to Shine, an unforgettable prom night experience for people with special needs, to the Greater Huntsville area. He has served as a board member for several nonprofit organizations including: UCP of the Tennessee Valley, Downtown Rescue Mission, and Alzheimer’s Association Mid-South Chapter. He currently serves on the board of the American Red Cross North Alabama Office.
Jason has earned Bachelor of Science in Communication Arts, Master of Business Administration and a Master of Divinity degrees. He is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor, Certified Mental Health Coach, Certified Addictions & Recovery Ministry Specialist, and Advanced Certified in Human Behavior. Jason is a graduate of Leadership Huntsville Flagship Class 35, a 2023 Russell Brown Executive Leadership Award Finalist, a member of Huntsville’s Committee of 100 and a member of Huntsville Rotary Club. He and his wife, Jessica, have been married for nineteen years and have three children.

Believers who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.
The Senior Pastor leads the Senior Leadership Team. The Senior Leadership Team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church and, together with our staff pastors & church staff, serves the congregation and is responsible for developing the church's spiritual life.
Pastor Jason Parks
Pastor Ben Cordray
Pastor Andrew Murray
Pastor Pat Perkins
Pastor Meghan Watson

Jason Parks
Senior Pastor

Meghan Watson
Lead Care & Campus Pastor

Pat Perkins
Lead Discipleship Pastor

Andrew Murray
Campus Pastor

Bonnie O'Neal
Financial Director

Ben Cordray
Lead Next Gen & Campus Pastor

Ian Hargrove
Next Gen Pastor

Makaela Perkins
Next Gen Pastor

Tony Nguyen
Worship Leader

Hannah Nguyen
Worship Leader

Sara Cordray
Connection Pastor

Martin McRight
Connection Pastor

Jessica Murray
Connection Pastor

Jessica Parks
Connection Pastor

Melissa Perkins
Connection Pastor

Mary Beth Powers
Connection Pastor

Mike Powers
Connection Pastor

AC Wheeler
Connection Pastor

Ben Wheeler
Connection Pastor
The Trustees are members of the congregation who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Senior Pastor Leadership Team regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Trustees serve as Non-staff Elders.
Jason Parks, Chairman
Sam Green
Corey McMullen
Ben Wheeler, Secretary/Treasurer
The Overseers are pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love Refuge Church and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Senior Pastor if requested by the Trustees. The Overseers serve as Apostolic Elders.
Pastor Brandon Doss (Cultivate Church)
Pastor Andy Heis (Desperation Church)
Pastor Huey Hudson (Restoration Church)