Filled with compassion and offering hope to the poor, oppressed, and forgotten, Refuge Church is a refuge for a hurting world. As such, we have adopted the Refuge Cares Culture to serve as the environment for carrying out the vision of Refuge Church.

Our Refuge Cares Culture:

We Love People Irrationally
Because God loved us first, our desire is to genuinely, radically love all people.
We Act in Bold Faith
God still moves powerfully in lives today. We desire for Him to save the lost, heal sickness, break sin strongholds, and restore marriages. We believe that with God -Anything is Possible.
We Are Bridge Builders
God's Word is practical to our lives. Our desire is to bridge the timeless truths of Scripture with today's culture. We will be bold and innovative to reach people with the message of Jesus Christ.
We Serve Selflessly
We believe that the best way to model God's Love for people is through selflessly serving others. We are willing to get messy in order to love people in seemingly hopeless situations.
We Are United
We don't cater to personal preferences. We will be unified in protecting the vision that God has given us as a church.
We Keep It Simple
Simplicity enables excellence. Excellence honors God. Our priority will be creating worship experiences that attract the presence of God so that He can change lives. We will be very strategic with our resources so that we don’t plan programs just to have programs.
We Are Known For What We Are For
Our desire is to speak life and hope into the lives of people. We will use our influence in the community to make Jesus famous.
We Give Generously
Our church and our people will lead the way in giving sacrificially to impact our community for Christ. Refuge Church will maintain the highest financial integrity so people can feel confident with their giving.
We Embrace Change
We will continually change and restructure to get where we want to go, not maintain where we are now.
We Like to Have Fun
We work hard and play hard too. Nothing is more fun than serving God alongside people you love.